Rita's Research
The major research areas of the RCE Vienna are sustainability-driven entrepreneurship, impact assessment, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), digitalisation & education and transformative learning environments.
the sound of science
RITAs research questions
- What kind of transformative and innovative learning processes and environments do we need to support start-ups, companies or communities in achieving a positive socio-ecological impact?
- How can we recognize, evaluate and promote impact in all dimensions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our measures for socio-ecological transformations?
- How could SDG-oriented impact investment be standardized via innovative products or markets?
- How can digitalization help us to create new transformative learning spaces to increase awareness for SDGs and promote innovation for socio-ecological transformations?
- How can the abstraction of the SDGs be translated into everyday business and used as a driver of innovation?
- How can the challenges of SDGs be recognized as opportunities and harnessed?
- Education for Sustainable Development & Digitalisation
- Transformative learning across science-society interfaces