Science Society Labs
Our research areas are organized as inter-related Science-Society Labs, which connect state of the art research with expertise and needs of various societal stakeholder groups and businesses.
keeping busy
The structure of the science society labs will enable transformative learning, co-development and transdisciplinary research.
The SDG:Innovation:Lab is now developed together with the UNIDO.
Our main research questions
Related to our focus on issues such as impact assessment,
impact investment and learning for change, we have plenty of research questions.
Here is a first selection of our most current ones.
- What kind of transformative and innovative learning processes and environments do we need to support start-ups, companies or communities in achieving a positive socio-ecological impact?
- How can we recognize, evaluate and promote impact in all dimensions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our measures for socio-ecological transformations?
- How could SDG-oriented impact investment be standardized via innovative products or markets?
- How can digitalization help us to create new transformative learning spaces to increase awareness for SDGs and promote innovation for socio-ecological transformations?
- How can the abstraction of the SDGs be translated into everyday business and used as a driver of innovation?
- How can the challenges of SDGs be recognized and harnessed as opportunities?